Payment accept

Payment accept

Dear client, to maintain your anonymity and security, we present the following payment format and explain how it works

Buy to visa send email to [email protected]

Bitcoin is the fastest and safest payment, it is processed in no more than 1 hour


Gift card Amazon and other can take from 1 hour to 12 hours to process your purchase, your gift card arrives in the mail and then that card is sold on we never see your personal data


Gift card google play an take from 1 hour to 12 hours to process your purchase, your gift card arrives in the mail and then that card is sold on we never see your personal data


Visa and mastercard To pay with visa or mastercard you just have to click on the payment link and continue the process.

other payment : contact [email protected]

All the means of payment are thinking so that you never see our ID and we neither do your ID that way you buy safely, all the content is legal but surely you will not like that porn appears in your means of payment that is why we use an intermediary that sells bitcoin and the purchase remains as bitcoin payment