Who to movie

Who to movie

That payment method accepted.
Gift card
Visa and mastercard

Pay to Bitcoin:
The main means of payment is bitcoin.

First step is:
add movie to cart
Second step is:
view to card

Third part is:
Click in proceed to checkout
Fourth step is:
Select bitcoin and pay white bitcoin

The fifth step is:
to send the bitcoins as indicated on the panel and wait

Pay to Amazon
First step is:
add movie to cart
Second step is:
view to card
Third part is:
Click in proceed to checkout
Fourth step is:
Select Manual payment gift card  
Five step is:
if you pay with a gift card you can buy it on any website and send it with this email format

EMAIL: [email protected]

PAYMENT ORDER : if you pay with a gift card you can buy it on any website and send it with this email format

PAYMENT CODE: here you must buy the purchased code

AMOUNT: value of the code that I send

CODE COMPANY: here you should put google or amazon or ituanes depending on what code you bought
pay with amazon

LINK PAYMENT:  https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Gift-Card-Happy-Mothers/dp/B07BHKP8C9/ref=sr_1_2?crid=143F5TWLTOQO0&keywords=gift+card+amazon&qid=1651762707&sprefix=gift+card+amazo%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-2 2- The image shows how you should fill out the amazon gift card


Visa and mastercard

If you want to pay with a visa, contact by email at [email protected]